

Arashi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers opportunities for homeschool students to learn several different martial arts including Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Boxing, and Muay Thai (kickboxing). At Arashi BJJ our instructors are proud to be able to serve the community by helping enrich the lives of growing children. As parents, we have experienced the benefits of our children learning martial arts and training into adulthood. 

Physically, martial arts is a structured outlet that promotes cardiovascular health, strength, spatial awareness, coordination, and flexibility. Students will engage in various exercises that will challenge them and help improve their physical abilities. 

Socially, attending martial arts classes are beneficial by providing opportunities for homeschool students to interact with their peers, engage in teamwork activities, learn communication skills, and respect for others. Our classes at Arashi BJJ offer a structured environment where students can learn from others and build friendships. 

Mental attributes of martial arts, provide the building blocks to develop strategy techniques, quick thinking, and problem solving, coinciding with academic learning. Martial arts also teaches discipline and focus.

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Element Education

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